hello to all.
first of all want to thank everyone that was at NCECA for making me feel welcome and that i belonged. being an Undedrgrad, i ws somewhat intimidated by the thought of being around people that have been doing this for much longer than i have been (2 years). it turns out that my fears were unwarranted. Both Paul Lewing and Ron Roy made me feel welcome and a part of the group. this was a very unexpected thing. Thank you.
i do have a few questions. as i am pretty new at this, and still trying to find out who i am, as far as my work is concerned, can any of you give me some input on how i can travel through this journey of self-exploration, without too many wrong turns. any advice would be great.
also, i am in the process of rewritting some of the Glaze software to make things easier. i am not good enough at programming to come up with sumthin original, but i am good enough to work with the existing databases that are out there. my plans are to make it freely (or pretty coles to it, depnding on much work it actually takes) available. my goal is to make a program that well be able to be used both on a PC as well as a PocketPC, and to have the two be able to sync with one another. if this sounds like something that ppl well be intrested in, feel free to email me directly or through here with comments, inputs and suggestions.
Again, thank you to everyone at NCECA who made me feel welcome.
-Coleman Black (Emporia State University)
We have to be able to criticize what we love, to say what we have to say, 'cause if you're not trying to make something better, than as far as I can tell, you're just in the way.
- Ani Difranco
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage, against the dying of the light.
- Dylan Thomas