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nceca 2002

updated fri 22 aug 03


James Bowen on thu 21 mar 02

The best thing I came away with was seeing Bob Piepenbug in
good health.

Stay Centered
James Bowen
Boyero CO

" I prefer a man who will burn the flag and then wrap
himself in the Constitution to a man who will burn the
Constitution and then wrap himself in the flag."

Barbara Brown on thu 7 aug 03

Just had an email from Bonnie Hellman, she phoned the Indianapolis
Marriott/Downtown directly (877-640-7666)and was given a 2 bed double
with no trouble. So I phoned and got my reservation changed so I have a
2 bed double room. The reservations clerk who helped me told me to tell
you that if they say there is no more 2 bed double rooms, you tell the
clerk to check the group fax.
Hope this helps. Thanks, Bonnie.

Barbara Brown phone/fax 408-736-3889
1225 Manzano Way,Sunnyvale,Ca. 94089

David Hendley on wed 20 aug 03

Wow, today was a blast from the past to receive the official proceedings
from the NCECA 2002 Conference. Was I really there? Nothing
looked very familar....

David Hendley

Louis Katz on thu 21 aug 03

If they have already come, this is the earliest in my memory. They
should be congratulated for a job well done. The new office must be
doing some good.



On Wednesday, August 20, 2003, at 11:54 PM, David Hendley wrote:

> Wow, today was a blast from the past to receive the official
> proceedings
> from the NCECA 2002 Conference. Was I really there? Nothing
> looked very familar....
> David Hendley
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Louis Katz on thu 21 aug 03

Slowest on record. I got mine too. The journal is for 2002. Looks great
nice picture of me, but SLOW> Still a record though. Just not a good
one. Slowest ever. I didn't go to 2003. I will be at 2004.


Paul Lewing on thu 21 aug 03

on 8/20/03 8:54 PM, David Hendley at hendley@TYLER.NET wrote:

> Wow, today was a blast from the past to receive the official proceedings
> from the NCECA 2002 Conference. Was I really there? Nothing
> looked very familar.

I know what you mean, David. For me, the most interesting question was, did
Jeanne Otis or I look stupider in the picture from the Glaze Doctor session.
Actually it's no contest. I look WAY stupider!
Paul Lewing, Seattle