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: air bubbles in michael bailey's jun glaze jb1

updated mon 25 mar 02


Lee Love on mon 25 mar 02

----- Original Message -----
From: "Hank Murrow"

> the highest concentration of P2O5 will be found. There is very little
> of it in woods like pine, cedar, or oak. Fruit needs P2O5 to
> look for fruit wood ash. Maybe plum, Lee?

Our neighborhood has several orchards in it: a kaki persimmon orchard and
a few apple orchards. There is also nuka ash sitting in a lot next to the
road I often walk my Akita Taiko on, being washed by the rain. Farmers often
put this ash back in the rice fields.

If I had a little more Japanese, I could ask the farmers for their
plum trimmings and nuka ash. I don't have the free time now, but when I do,
I'll get a friend to help me talk to the farmers.

Lee Love In Mashiko

"The best pots for me are the pots that I like." --Shoji Hamada (1894-1978)