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nceca costs & donating

updated mon 25 mar 02


AKitchens on sun 24 mar 02

It took me a while but I read all the posts from the week we were at
I just thought of a few suggestions for my claybuds to consider for next
Take home extra posters, postcards, flyers, catalogs and free tools for
those you know that cannot/did not attend. Consider bring posters,
tools, etc. to your local schools, clay community classes or teachers.
Raise funds (a portion of your sales?) that will help sponsor a student
or less fortunate potter to attend next year. To those of you who didn't
have hotel roommates, offer that spare bed to a student or friend that
can't afford the rates next year. (there were six college students in
the room next to us) Pay all or part of their way, if they can't accept
charity, ask for a piece of their work in exchange. I realize that I am
speaking to only a percentage of us that can afford this but I
personally get more joy and gratification in donating when I can see the
direct results. The checks I have written to the Red Cross, or Cancer
research can't possibly have the impact that funding one person to
attend this conference can. The collective energy I feel at NCECA
sustains my creative bank for the whole year. Why not pass that along?
Nan Kitchens
Tennessee and Key Largo

P.S. Happy Birthday, Alisa. Surprise!
Passing around your birthday card in the Clayart room gave me a grand
opportunity to say hi to Clayarters I didn't know before. Thanks to all
who cheerfully signed.