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how to build a ram press

updated wed 27 mar 02


lee on mon 25 mar 02

can someone forward directions on how to build a ram press. a press that can
accommodate large molds (10 x 10 or larger)

Des & Jan Howard on wed 27 mar 02

I just bought a copy of Reid Harvey's (Hi Reid!) thin book
"Pressing Ceramics with Air Release", ISBN 1 - 889250 - 00 - 7
Gentle Breeze Publishing, PO Box 621484, Oviedo, FL, 32762.
Covers building a basic press & die making.

lee wrote:

> can someone forward directions on how to build a ram press. a press that can
> accommodate large molds (10 x 10 or larger)


Des & Jan Howard
Lue Pottery
LUE NSW 2850
Ph/Fax 02 6373 6419