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speedy throwing 101

updated fri 29 mar 02


Chris Campbell on thu 28 mar 02

Speaking of speed ...

Several years ago I was fortunate to attend a week long workshop with
Steve Loucks, a very talented Alabama Potter/Educator.

He is a teriffic teacher and presents excellent demos. As we were
cleaning up on Friday someone asked him a complicated question about large
forms. Steve grabbed a ball of clay and within seconds had a large, beautiful
pot thrown and was showing the how tos of the question.... hardly noticing
all of our jaws had dropped.

That is when we all realized his best skill was being able to slow his
natural throwing rhythm enough so we could see and learn.... and if we had
not asked that last question, we would never have really seen him throw.

Maybe this is why a lot of us think everyone throws slowly ... we
never see an undistracted production potter at work.

Chris Campbell - in North Carolina - saw a video once of old timey potters
throwing those huge strawberry pots for the yard. Three pulls, once around
with the cutter, once around to pouf out the cuts ...on to the next. Wow!!

Chris Campbell Pottery
9417 Koupela Drive
Raleigh NC 27615
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