Helen Bates on tue 9 apr 02
April 10 - 2002 - Clayarter URLS (Individuals) A-C
NOTE: New or revised entries are indicated, with a space between them and the previous and succeeding entries.
Aerni, Richard -
Aldridge, Ray - http://www.goodpots.com
Almira, Emma - http://www.iveragh.com
Amsterlaw, Bill - http://amsterlaw.com
Anderson, Graeme - http://www.turboweb.net.au/~gemopal/
Anthony, Father - http://www.maxinet.com/trappist/pottery.htm (revised - remove "anthony" and "collector" urls)
Arbuckle, Linda - http://www.silverhawk5.com/arbuckle/
- http://www.arts.ufl.edu/faculty/faculty/arbuckle.html
Aronow, Lois Ruben - http://www.loisaronow.com (new)
Ashodian, Sara JH - http://www.lymaneyerart.com/artists.asp?ImageID=ashodians/ashodians59.jpg&ImagePercentage=.25&ArtistID=ashodians (new)
(the Lyman-Eyer Art site works best in IE)
Atherton, Jodie - http://www.whitewaterceramics.com
Aubuchon, Ron - http://www.stonehengepottery.com/ (revised - remove "computerstore" url)
Averill-Savino, Kelly - http://www.primalpotter.com (same resulting url as the Geocities site)
- http://www.geocities.com/primalmommy/index.htm
Bachar, Morty - http://www.lakesidepottery.com/Pages/page5.html (revised) (Lakeside Pottery site works best in IE)
Badenhorst, Antoinette - http://hometown.aol.com/timakia - corrected url (remove old address)
Bair, Gayle - http://www.clayart.fsnet.co.uk/gbair.html
- http://claybair.com
Baker, W. Lowell -
Barbe, Marilyn - http://www.webgate.net/~mbarbe
Bassett, Bobbi - http://www.ybccrafts.org/gallery/bobbi.html
Bastarache, Edouard - http://www.sorel-tracy.qc.ca/~edouardb/
- http://www.absolutearts.com/portfolios/e/edouardb/
- http://perso.wanadoo.fr/smart2000/Exposez%20vos%20oeuvres.htm ("temporarily" unavailable)
Bates, Helen - http://www.geocities.com/nelbanell/
Baum, Kris - http://www.shubunkinpottery.com
Baymore, John - http://JohnBaymore.com/ (revised - remove Craftweb url)
Bazard, Francoise - http://membres.lycos.fr/fbazard/ (Françoise Bazard) (revised - remove "bazardceram" url - multimania url links to lycos site)
- http://www.multimania.com/fbazard
Beach, Sue - http://members.iquest.net/~sbeach/index.html (non-clay)
Behan, Jim - http://members.tripod.co.uk/jimbehan/index.html
Behrends, Reg - http://www.bluemoonpotteryinc.com/
Bellero, Lauren - http://mudslingers.home.att.net
Berkowitz, Neil - http://members.home.net/rowdy-dragon-pottery/ (remove - not found)
Berry, Linda - http://www.kcmetro.cc.mo.us/longview/humanities/art/kiml/index2.htm
Beverlin, Darlene - http://rarearth.tripod.com
Bjerkan, Peggy - http://www.maskwoman.com
Bloomfield, Linda - http://www.bloomfieldpottery.com/ (revised - add full first name "Linda")
Blossom, Linda - http://www.nottinghamarts.org/Resident%20Artists/Blossom/newwork.html (new)
Blumenthal, Matthew - Http://www.mattegrafix.com
Boerner, Merrie - http://public.fotki.com/Merrie/ (revised - delete "/woodfired_pottery/" from url)
- http://www.olemiss.edu/depts/art/MVAI/B/BoernerM.html
Bouchette, Deborah - http://www.aleatoric-art.com
Bowers, Lynn - http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Exhibit/5437/OAind.html (revised - scroll down for image)
Boyer, Jennifer - http://www.thistlehillpottery.com/
- http://www.vermontcrafts.com/members/ThistleHill.html
Boyle, Kevin - http://www.nightbirdpottery.com (remove)
Boyd, Mark (NAP) - http://albums.photopoint.com/j/AlbumIndex?u=1370958&a=11317213 (remove - not found)
Bozeman, Jim - http://www.bozemanpottery.com
Bradford, Tracy - http://www.tbpots.com
Brayford, Pierre - http://www.pottersbristol.com/members/memberpage.php?name=Pierre_Brayford (revised - move "UKpotters" url to Organizations) (personal page)
Brink, Ann - http://www.impulse.net/~billann/annspage.html
- http://www.milkywayceramics.com/cgallery/abrink.htm
Britt, Bud - http://www.homestead.com/glassyclass/ (Stained glass work)
Britt, John - http://www.silverhawk.com/ex99/britt/welcome.html (revised - remove "dysfunctional" site - not found)
- http://www.claystation.com/gallery/2000/britt.html
Britt, Morgan - http://www.fireartclayworks.com/ (revised - add "http://" to beginning of url)
Broennimann, Erich A. - http://www.broennimann.org
Brown, Barbara - http://www.silverhawk.com/crafts/bbrown97
Brown, Jeff - http://www.jeffbrownpottery.com
Brown, Klyf - http://www.epoxyman.com/ (remove - not found)
Brunner, Earl - http://coyote.accessnv.com/bruec
Bryant, Victor - http://www.ceramicstudies.com
Burkett, Richard - http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/dept/rburkett/www/burkett.html
Burkhart, Carolsan - http://pages.ivillage.com/getlostinart
Burroughs, Donald - http://www.autobahn.mb.ca/~donaldo/
Campbell, Bill - http://www.campbellpottery.com/
Campbell, Chris - http://www.wholesalecrafts.com (new) (not accessible to general public)
Cannon, Jan - http://www.jancannonpottery.com/
Cantello, Chris - http://www.cantellostudios.com (revised - remove "tleecan" & "monterey" urls)
Cappadonna-Nichols, Jean -
Carlton, Ray - http://www.ains.net.au/~rcarlton (remove - not found)
Caraty, Denis - http://www.gien.com
Carpenter, Andie - http://www.andie.net
Cassman, Faye (Fabienne) - http://www.milkywayceramics.com/
Chance, Robert - http://www.furman.edu/~chance/ (new)
Chatenever, Scott - http://villagepotter.com/
Chicoyne, Lisa - http://artistsregister.com/artists/CO671 (revised - remove "businessofartcenter" site - not found)
Christen, Linda - http://www.midgaard.net/pottery (remove - not found)
Cieply, John - http://kilnworks.cieply.com/
Clapp, Lisa - http://www.emberwind.com (new)
Clausen, Alisa - http://www.clayart.fsnet.co.uk/aclausen.html (revised - use lower case "a" and "c" in aclausen)
Clarke, Chris - http://www.ccpots.com
Clift, Andy - http://claystation.com
Clennell, Tony - http://www.sourcherrypottery.com (revised - remove Creative Oasis url - not found)
- http://www.jonathons.ca/Tony%20Clennel.html (add new site)
Clennell, Shiela - http://www.jonathons.ca/Shiela%20Clennel.html (new)
Cochoy, Dale - http://www.WildThingsBonsai.com (new)
Coffee, D. Michael - http://www.dmcarts.com
Cohen, Burt - http://northfire.virtualave.net
Cohn, Bonita - http://www.cpmg.com/anagama
- http://www.silverhawk.com/ex99/cohn
Colyar, Pat - http://www.firetrail.com/~pcolyar
Compton, Robert - http://RobertComptonPottery.com (new)
Conley, Vicki - http://www.pinonpottery.com (better in Internet Explorer)
Cook, Fred - http://fcpots.com (Pigtown Pottery)
Cooper, Scott - http://www.negentropic.com/clay (new)
Cope, Mitsuru - http://www.mitsurucope.com
Corbin, Katheryn - http://www.netwurx.net/~corbin/ (former clayarter)
Corcos, Christine - http://www.law.lsu.edu/library/lawctr/ccartists.htm (remove - not found)
Cordrey, Katie - http://www.angelfire.com/biz3/columbiagorgeartists/catherine.html (revised - remove "Katie" url)
- http://www.potters.org/subject37963.htm (slab roller urls info)
Cox, Christine - http://www.potfest.co.uk/ChristineCox/christinecox.htm
Cox, Geoff - http://www.potfest.co.uk/geoff/gcoxindex.htm
Crimp, Les - http://www.arrowsmithpottersguild.bc.ca/gallery/lescrimp.htm (revised - remove "apg" url)
Christie, John - http://www.blackhillspottery.co.uk/flashing/ (new)
Cullen, Jim - http://www.clayart.fsnet.co.uk/jcullen.html (new)
Cummings, Charlie - http://www.claylink.com/ (revised - add "http://")
Currie, Ian - http://ian.currie.list.to/index.html (remove - not found)
Cuttell, Sam - http://www.ody.ca/~scuttell/ (aka "Maid O'Mud") (revised entry)
Cuzick, David - http://www.cuzickpottery.com (revised - remove "nottingham" site)
Helen Bates - mailto:nell@cogeco.ca, mailto:nelba@nycny.net
Web - http://www.geocities.com/nelbanell/
My Clayart Posts - http://www.geocities.com/nelbanell/nellposts/
Clayarters' Web Sites - http://amsterlaw.com/clayart.html (B. Amsterlaw's Site)
Ababi on tue 16 apr 02
---------- Original Message ----------
>April 10 - 2002 - Clayarter URLS (Individuals) A-C
>NOTE: New or revised entries are indicated, with a space between them
>and the previous and succeeding entries.
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