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potters' stools

updated wed 10 apr 02


Nancy Silver on tue 9 apr 02

Following the comments on stools and associated stiffness with throwing, =
Millie C said:
" my physical therapist suggested that every 15-20 minutes I hold my
arms out to the sides at shoulder height and press them backward as =
though trying
to get my shoulder blades to meet then to drop my arms down tip my head =
back and
lean backward as though doing a back bend. don't even get up"

To that I would add, place your hands, palms on the small of your back =
to add support and slowly and gently stretch your back into the backbend =
position. This gives your lower back support and exerts pressure on the =
vertebrae to close the facets of the vertebrae, thus relieving some of =
the tension on the area. It's the shortening of the muscles and =
ligaments along the vertebrae that causes many back problems, including =
compressed disks. The moves Millie and I mention prevent the =
shortening. That's why prolonged bed rest in Not indicated for many back =
problems, it makes the problem worse.

Former nurse with lots of hours logged in therapy for back problems.

Nancy S in Cincinnati