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fwd: lead frits safe?(part#3

updated fri 12 apr 02


Edouard Bastarache on thu 11 apr 02

"So why should we not be concerned in the case of persistent
poisonous heavy metals in frits and stains? Do you assume that if the
syndrome is not reported in the toxicology literature it does not
exist? Of do you have a firmer basis in science to dismiss the problem?

Hello Gavin,

Sorry to be one day late, I fell asleep in front of my computer last
tired out.

There are 2 metals that are regulated all over the world in "modern"
they are cadmium and lead. From my discussions with Smart over the years
I learned that in France 2 more are regulated: mercury and hexavalent
Specific toxicology of each other metal must be taken into account before
ever thinking
of regulating others, for instance:
1-(Manganese) Gastrointestinal absorption is generally low (5%).
2-(Cobalt) According to "Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials"
(Richard Lewis) it has a low toxicity by ingestion. According to Sorbie in
1971 only 18% of ingested radioactive cobalt chloride. was absorbed by the
gastro-intestinal tract

So,once again there is no "one size fits all" answer to your question.
I would stick to the actual laws and by-laws and, if you want more
to be regulated put pressure on politicians with clear and strong evidence.
Our govts. have excellent toxicologits and, in Quebec many of them already
work part-time for EPA(USA). So, our politicians are well backed up.

If you know french, I can e-mail Smart's last message on the matter,
just let me know.


Edouard Bastarache
Irreductible Quebecois
Indomitable Quebeker