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: plaster won't cure properly problem

updated mon 22 apr 02


iandol on sun 21 apr 02

Dear Carol,

Am I reading your posting correctly. You say you are buying Ground =
Gypsum by the bag at $3:00 50 lbs

I think you are buying the raw mineral.

It has to be processed to convert it into Potters Plaster.

This involves having it heated to about 120 degrees Celsius to remove =
part of the water of crystallisation. This converts it into the =
Hemi-Hydrate. You do not remove all of the water which converts it into =

The only other time this may happen is if a parcel of Potters Plaster =
(or Plaster of Paris) has become stale due to exposure to the atmosphere =
so that water is adsorbed.

I would check it out and find out if it is "As Mined"

Hope this solves your problems.

Best regards,
