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glossy white cone 10

updated mon 29 apr 02


Jami Jacobson on fri 26 apr 02

Looking through books, articles etc., I have not had any luck =
with finding a reliable white cone 10 glossy food safe glaze. I am new =
at mixing glazes, and don't know where to begin with this. If there was =
such a glaze sold commercially, I would rather do that, but all I've =
seen so far is cone 6. Is there a reason for this? Can anyone point me =
in the right direction? Many thanks for any nice responses!! Also, my =
first post came out with equal signs all over, so trying courier font =
this time, any advice on that would be appreciated too!!


Chuck and Tamara Schulz on sun 28 apr 02

Hi Jami

Tacoma Clayart Center sells one called Bruno's white. I have used it and had
very good luck with it.
There is also a good recipe from an old CM article ....think it might be
called sycamore or something like that that. I don't have it with me, it's
at the studio. If your interested, e-mail me. I'll bring it home and send
it to you.


>>>>>>From: Jami Jacobson
>>>>>>Subject: Glossy White Cone 10

>>>>>>have not had any luck =
>>>>>>with finding a reliable white cone 10 glossy food safe glaze. If
there was =
>>>>>>such a glaze sold commercially, I would rather do that,