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itc on olympic kilns

updated sat 27 apr 02


Ann Semple on thu 25 apr 02

Please contact Olympic before you apply the ITC.
I originally wanted ITC on my elements before they were installed in my new
Olympic kiln. I was told my warranty would be void if I applied it.


william schran on fri 26 apr 02

Ann wrote: "I originally wanted ITC on my elements before they were
installed in my new Olympic kiln. I was told my warranty would be
void if I applied it."

Funny - got an Axner super kiln sprayed with ITC that is manufactured
by Olympic. Nothing ever said about a voided warranty.

FYI - Axner super kiln is great except for hinge prop. Big, heavy lid
supported with prop only on one side. Within couple of months got
chunk broken out of lid due to twisting when supported and wall brick
under lid starting to loosen up. I've been using a tall kiln post on
opposite side of prop to prevent further damage.

Ann Semple on fri 26 apr 02

It may be just as well I was told that ITC on the elements would void the
warranty, given they put the wrong elements in!