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mochaware - rouletting wheels

updated fri 19 apr 02


Kathy on tue 16 apr 02

I'm trying to find information about the "custom-crafted roulette wheels"
used to create an embossed pattern on mochaware. I've searched all the
ceramic supply companies I'm aware of. Is it possible to purchase these
tools? If so, where? Any help would be appreciated it.

Thanks so much,

Kris on thu 18 apr 02

Hey Kathy, for the roulett wheels, try stanley and mecca tools. i believe
his e-mail is he calls them texture wheels. he is going
to send me some, but haven't rec'd yet so can't give you much more info than
that. happy rolling.
bliss in alaska....where we are hoping all this wind will blow the snow
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kathy"
Subject: Mochaware - rouletting wheels

> I'm trying to find information about the "custom-crafted roulette wheels"