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steven branfman raku wkshp in ma

updated wed 24 apr 02


Donna Gates on wed 24 apr 02

Steven Branfman will be coming to central MA to Mudpie Potters Community
Clay Center for a weekend workshop the first weekend in June. Come join us!

Raku Intensive with Steven Branfman
Instructor: Steven Branfman
One weekend of glazing and firing June 1-2, 10am-5pm, $220
slide presentation May 31, 7:30pm $5
limit 25 students, bring a bag lunch and small bisqued pieces to fire;
tongs, gloves and a good respirator if you have them

Mudpie Potters is very pleased to host Steven Branfman for a truly hands-on
weekend. The focus of the workshop will be on raku glazing & firing
techniques as well as simple raku kiln building. The key word for this
weekend is experimen-tation! Participants will dip, pour and brush glazes
of all firing temperatures onto their bisqued pieces and then fire and fire
and fire again until each student really gets a sense of how the glaze and
surface is affected by changes in firing and post-firing techniques. Space
is limited so sign up early and get ready for an action-packed weekend!

Just to let you know a little bit about Mudpie Potters Community Clay
Center in Leverett, MA, we are located in central MA near Amherst &
Northampton. We are housed in the Leverett Crafts & Arts building, home to
18 different artists and organizations including painters, drum makers,
metal workers, a screenprinter, knife maker, sculptors and of course
potters. Our studio's backyard opens to wooded areas with great hiking
trails and our atmosphere is relaxed. If you'd like more information or to
register, email me and I'll send you a full course listing plus
registration form.
-- Donna Gates, director