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the manufactured borates

updated fri 3 may 02


BVCuma on thu 2 may 02

>>That added clay--in the form of ball clay--seems to replace quite
a bit, if not all, of the "magic" of GB.<<

Hi John

The real magic of GB for me was the jelling effect.
The way it watered down when stirred up (thixotropy)
I liked the way it brushed and sponged on layer after layer.
I was horrified at some of my attempts here to do the same.
Some of the recipes were like trying to paint sand (yuch)
I have added CMC, it helps but tends to thicken and settle to the bottom
and is a hassle to rehomogenize..ok but not so good...
But at least stays on the pot during subsequent brushing.
I know you do not recommend in your book organic binders...
But use the epk replacement for ball clay (calc for adjsment) or...
I believe these will improve suspension..but not give me the "jell"
Otherwise epsom salts or calcium carbonate...
or specifically glycerine for brushibilty.
I have not had a chance to try these three.
I have tried the sodium silicate...
the thixotropic quality was there,
but weirdish and not to my liking.

So can these or is there a way to get that "gel"?
That makes me so enamoured with GB.=20
That was my original motivation in manufacting
the *colloidal* ulexate calcium/sodium borate.
But it did not have the gel..was like sand...
with clay it behaved better etc.

Can you tell me if The "holy gel"
is out there for me discover...
besides in that ton I got stashed?
