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tony clennell's repair tip (was: painters should stick to painting

updated sat 11 may 02


Lori Leary on fri 10 may 02

until they know how.)

I did not use any set amount of sugar-vs- clay. Maybe half and half? Or
maybe a bit more clay than sugar. Use your hands to mix it. What I think
is that the heat of your hands melts the sugar and moistens the clay. I
have to admit I was amazed at how well it worked. No shrinkage at all. I
had him do a little sanding with drywall screen (it dries like concrete).
I remembered a post Tony wrote that old time potters used it to repair big
planters with cracks... Sorry, I can't be more specific.

Hope this helps,

> Lori,
> Can you please elaborate on this? Did the sugar just melt by itself, or
> you heat it? How much powdered sugar vs. clay? I'd like to hear a bit
> about this tip.
> Thanks,
> Marianne

> > had him go get some powdered sugar and some clay scraps. I showed him
> > to mix together sugar and dryish clay in his hands. As the sugar
> > the clay moistened up and we were able to patch it up with out any
> additions
> > of water. (Clayart tip from Tony Clennell, I think) I then fired it