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average income of ceramic artists

updated thu 13 jun 02


Jocelyn McAuley on tue 11 jun 02

Sorry if this has already been pointed out...

the magazine Crafts Report
has the results of a survey that contains such information.

There is alot of information located at this url which I don't have time
to reprint.

But the quick answers (which I believe are for 1999):
- mean income, cermaics: $29,008
- mean sales/revenue from crafts: $60,704

listed as a reason the results of this survey are so important:
"3. The economic impact data will be used by art and craft schools, and by
art departments of universities to prove to administrators, students, and
others that craft artists do contribute to the GNP (Gross National
Product) and can make a living wage."

hope this is useful

Jocelyn McAuley ><<'>
Eugene, Oregon