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freer gallery, washington, dc

updated sun 9 jun 02


Barbara Brown on sun 9 jun 02

Aiko Ichimura arranged a wonderful tour of the old pottery in the
basement of the Freer Gallery at the Smithsonian Fri morning , June 8th
for me, Matt Macintire, Silver Springs, Md and Jan Filsinger, Falls
Church, Va.
Susan Kilsoulis, the art handling specialist at the Freer had a Jomon
pot (10,000-3000 BC),a Shigaraki teabowl and jar (16th-19th century) and
a Bizen water jar (late 10th century) on the table for us to look at and
touch. We could choose any piece of pottery from the cabinets and she
would put them on the table for us to handle.
We chose oil spot teabowls because of the article in the lastest
Ceramics Monthly. After seeing the real thing, we all decided we wanted
to try the glaze recipe.
I recently read the children's book "A Single Shard" by Linda Sue Park
about a Korean potter and his apprentice in the 12th century so I asked
to see the Korean pots from that time period.
The Freer has a current exhibition called "The Potter's Brush which I
was able to see and purchase the catalog.
It was a wonderful experience, Thank you, Aiko and Susan.

Barbara Brown phone/fax 408-736-3889
1225 Manzano Way,Sunnyvale,Ca. 94089
cell phone 408-482-9459