Joy L. Holdread on mon 3 jun 02
Low Tech Clay Recycling (Demo) June 15, 2002, 4:00-6:00
Got Rocks or Mountains of dried clay? Joy Holdread has developed a simple
low-tech low energy method of recycling clay from rock hard to wedgeable You
don't need a pug mill or specialized large equipment. You can easily,
inexpensively make the simple equipment yourself. Finish with clay at the
exact softness or stiffness you want. No lumps, even porcelain surrenders to
this 6-step process. One application of the process produces aged clay
quickly, the other application takes longer but produces less sweat.
$10. Includes handout.
Please register and prepay by April 25.
Holdread Studio 2627 N. Geronimo Ave.Tucson, AZ 85705 (520) 628-8180
Low Tech Clay Recycling notes. Based on the workshop this 2 page handout's
major focus is taking clay from rock hard to wedgeable with minimal labor,
simple equipment and NO LUMPS.
Send $4. American and a SASE (one 34 cent stamp needed) Out of the US please
include additional $1.00 American for postage..
Holdread Studio URL:
2627 N. Geronimo Ave.
Tucson, AZ. 85705 USA
(520) 628-8180
And a special thanks for all the responses last spring when I offered
workshop and notes. Many of your responses and testimonials warm my heart as
well as give me big chuckles and visions of you effectively and efficiently
producing workable clay all over the globe.
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