Marianne Lombardo on wed 5 jun 02
I just thought I would follow up and let all of you very helpful people =
know that I've finally got my plaster molds to work fairly well.
The Murphy's Oil Soap proved to be the best mold release that I tried. =
But it gives me a rash on my hands. Oh well, can't have everything.
Marianne Lombardo
Omemee, Ontario, Canada
Michele Williams on fri 7 jun 02
Marianne Lombardo wrote:
"But it gives me a rash on my hands. "
Those new-fangled dollar stores and beauty supply stores are great places to
buy latex or rubber gloves at dirt cheap prices. Walgreens has their
store-brand rubber gloves on sale for 50 cents a pair about once a month,
and for that price, you could stock up. They are lighter weight (cheaper)
than Rubbermaid's gloves, but that means you can feel through them better.
They're heavy enough for what we do. I used one pair of those all the way
through an entire semester of work on campus.
They sure do come in handy, pun intended.
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