Ceramic Design Group on sat 15 jun 02
We completed the review and survey of 35 models of electric wheels in May
with a great turn out of about 40 potters at our facility in Steamboat
Springs for a weekend of throwing, camaraderie, and conversation. My thanks
to the many people who participated and to my entire staff for helping stage
this project.
The entire event was quite an informative and educational process. Everyone
learned a great deal. There was a great selection of wheels here. I think I
covered all the bases!
The written review and survey is now being edited and will be published in
the July 2002 Potters Guide/Pottery Making Illustrated from ACERS.
We made about 450 bowls during the weekend for our empty bowls project. We
are starting to bisque them and will glaze them over the summer.
The empty bowls dinner part of the project will be held this fall.
Jonathan Kaplan, president
Ceramic Design Group
PO Box 775112
Steamboat Springs CO 80477
voice and fax 970 879-9139
Plant Location:
1280 13th Street Unit 13
Steamboat Springs CO 80487
(please use this address for all deliveries via UPS, comman carrier, Fed Ex,
"Custom design and manufacturing for the ceramic arts, giftware and pottery
industries. Molds, models, and tooling for slip casting, jiggering and
hydraulic pressing. Consultation on clay and glaze formulation, production
systems,firing, and kilns.
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