Snail Scott on tue 2 jul 02
At 01:57 PM 7/2/02 -0600, you wrote:
>I would like to learn more about Polychrome ceramics. I assume onglaze
>techniques, Chine painting and polychrome are synonymous.
Polychrome is a VERY general term, and could refer
to anything from china-painted ware to the three-
colored style of Pueblo pottery to high-fire glazes.
(The word only means 'multicolored'.) China painting
need not be polychrome, and not all onglaze
decoration is china paint, either.
Llewellyn Kouba on tue 2 jul 02
I would like to learn more about Polychrome ceramics. I assume onglaze
techniques, Chine painting and polychrome are synonymous. I have Heather
Tailors book Easy onglaze techniques for the China painters and
potters. Can someone recommend some good reading on techniques and methods
for Polychrome. THANKS.
Llewellyn Kouba
Abbey Pottery
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