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it is about my raku kiln again, more details.

updated sun 14 jul 02


Ababi on sat 13 jul 02

It is about my raku kiln again, more details.
Some of the terms, in English are not clear to me so please if you do not understand
me, please read again.
My raku kiln is the same one I used over the years I raku, means around 1997-8.
Inside was ceramic/alumina fiber we call here blanket.
after sometime I added another layer of blanket
I use one torch the gas butane, natural float.
In general when it worked fine It took one hour more or less to arrive to maturity with
the 80/20 glaze. The next firings were 15 minutes each.
In the last firing I used in the first firing a proven glaze which hardly matured after an
hour( matured by decision not fact).
The next firing I did my "new raku" using wares glazed in oxidation, heating to red light
and reduce. I am very satisfied with the results, yet the cone I had 018 did not bend
which tells me that the kiln cannot be used for the regular raku way.
I wonder, Do I need new blanket? Is the hole in the top too big?
I can speed up the firing but than there is too much fire in the kiln. If to add more fire
what pressure?
My kiln:

Thank you for your time Ababi

Tomorrow my friend with a digital camera will take pictures and I will upload the JPG