Helen Bates on mon 22 jul 02
Hello, all who enjoy surfing with me from time to time.
From recent online travels:
"Ah! les belles céramiques":
Colourful faience (earthenware)
This is a French site.
The background makes viewing a little challenging.
However, the work is spirited, and it will make you smile.
Use the Babelfish site to translate the text (sort of...):
enter the url in the "Translate a Web page" window.
Use the drop down menu to choose the language to translate:
"From" (French) and "To" (English).
Click "Translate".
As well, the translator software can usually follow you from page to page in the
The artist writes:
> Au depart j'ai eu envie pour mes enfants d'une vaisselle originale
> ludique et coloree.Ne trouvant rien,j'ai decide de les realiser
> moi-meme. La reaction a ete immediate toutes mes amies m'ont dit
> "Ah! les belles ceramiques"... et m'ont demande d'en realiser pour
> leurs cadeaux de naissance et d'anniversaire.
> De fil en aiguille les demandes se sont diversifiees et j'ai cree des
> pieces pour la Table,la salle de bain ,la deco.
> En visitant ce site vous allez pouvoir decouvrir mes creations
> entierement modelees en faience et peintes a la main.Ma recherche est
> axee sur l'harmonie des formes et des couleurs pour des objets qui ne
> sont pas uniquement decoratifs mais font partie integrante du quotidien.
My own rough translation:
> It all started when I wanted something playful and colourful and
> original for my children's dishes. Finding nothing, I decided
> to make them myself. They were an instant success and all my
> friends were saying: “What beautiful pottery”... and asked me
> to make some for them for birthday and anniversary gifts.
> In time, people began to request designs of all sorts, and I have
> made decorative pieces, pieces for the table, and for the bathroom.
> During your visit to this site you can check out my creations,
> entirely modelled and painted by hand from earthenware clay. In my
> work I seek to balance harmony of form and colour to achieve pieces
> that are not only decorative but an integral part of daily life.
"Pour It Exhibition":
Clayarter Brian Molanphy sent me this site:
If you liked the Strat's Place teapots show mentioned recently on Clayart, you
should find this one very satisfying. Teapots, coffeepots, jugs, ewers...
anything that pours.
Winchcombe Pottery:
Finally, a follow-up on the Winchcombe Pottery throwing video viewable online.
Scroll down the home page to click on the link that will let you see a small
part of the video. It's a "Real Audio" file.
Note: the portion viewable has been changed to the making of a small
cylinder-based pot with a gallery that will receive a lid. It is interesting to
see the gallery formed part way into pulling the pot and already mainly
completed before the pot is given its final shape.
Have a good trip...
Regards to all,
Oh yes, the latest PMI-Online is available. Click on the link in my sig file.
Helen Bates - mailto:nell@cogeco.ca, mailto:nelba@nycny.net,
Web - http://www.geocities.com/nelbanell/ (includes links to my "surfing"
PMI Online - http://www.potterymaking.org/pmionline.html (New)
Clayarters' Urls - http://amsterlaw.com/clayart.html (Amsterlaw Site)
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