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tom's glaze challenge

updated thu 25 jul 02


iandol on tue 23 jul 02

Dear Wanda Holmes,

You are asking some loaded questions.

I think Tom gave the game away when he proffered a unity formula. It =
would have been a more telling exercise to ask for a unique cone 3 glaze =
which would be smooth and transparent, but even this is problematic =
since you have to make assumptions about compatibility with the clay to =
which the glaze will be applied.

It is a well know fact (Ok, then it should be!!) that you can substitute =
any cone formulation as a glaze formula for a heat five cones higher. So =
for cone 3 use the Cone 02 formulation, for cone 6 substitute cone 1 =

Now, I think you have produced a creditable recipe. But you might get a =
better or more reliable melt if you were to eliminated the whiting and =
some of the free silica and replace them with Wollastonite. Since, =
except for the Kaolin, the Al2O3 should pose no problem since it is in =
your feldspars which are just going to melt for you.

Great work. Best regards,

Ivor Lewis.