Lynne Berman on wed 31 jul 02
I've been asked by a non-computer-using friend to ask if anyone has solved
the problem of what splash pan works on the Soldner wheel. She likes the
Soldner except for the fact that the Brent splash pan she bought to use on
the wheel is too high, or perhaps, the wheel head is too low. We tried a
Pacifica splash pan on her wheel but there is not enough room under the wheel
head for it to fit. Her wheel head is apparently not one of the adjustable
Any suggestions would be welcome.
Thanks in advance,
Lynne Berman at the Jersey shore
Paul Gerhold on wed 31 jul 02
I don't know about the Soldner wheel but I just make splash pans out of
plywood and then give them several coats of paint. That way I can get a
splash pan that is totally rigid and at the height I want. You can easily add
tool holders, drains, etc.
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