Michele Williams on mon 5 aug 02
Folks, If I could find a rock to hide my red for-shame face, it would =
leave my butt sticking out where you could kick it for me--which I =
probably deserve. Sharon O'Toole, a friend who watches over her friends =
the way good friends do, has sent me a correction and has given me =
permission to forward it to all of you. With my apologies for being a =
gold-plate Sucker of the First Rank P. T. Barnum Type, here is her =
Sorry, but some of this is crapola. Remember, I am an environmental =
chemist/biologist and have dealt with this.
"He said we might remember when some of the fast food restaurants moved =
away from the foam containers to paper. The dioxin problem is one of the =
reasons. Pass this on to your friends...."
This fool might try remembering the REAL reason - recycling. Not only =
was I involved in this project in NJ, I have friends who own restaurants =
and even they remember recycling as the reason.
"To add to this: Saran wrap placed over foods as they are nuked, with =
the high heat, actually drips poisonous toxins into the food. Use paper =
towel instead." This statement shows the abject stupidity of the man =
that made=20
this statement. First of all, microwaves are NOT "heat." They merely =
"excite" the water molecules that have been placed in the microwave.=20
Secondly, Saran BRAND has been repeatedly tested and shown to be the one =
brand that does NOT break down in the microwave. Even the "watchdog" =
groups published this.
And there is "plastic" and then there is "plastic." These people are =
labeling ALL polymers as plastic. HDPE is nukable and used by the =
government labs, including environmental and food labs.
Ignore these postings and stories like this. If, after 20 years of use =
by labs, something is REPEATEDLY proven safe (and no complaints and =
problems from the people who have to work there), that has credibility. =
There is NOT a chance I buy the "story" about this girl. I've heard it =
with a million different versions.
Jennifer F Boyer on tue 6 aug 02
Click on the urbanlegends url in my signature below and you will
see a long article about this subject on the front page! The 2
below are great web sites. Between them I have always been able
to find info on an internet rumor.....
Michele Williams wrote:
> Folks, If I could find a rock to hide my red for-shame face, it would =
> leave my butt sticking out where you could kick it for me--which I =
> probably deserve. Sharon O'Toole, a friend who watches over her friends =
> the way good friends do, has sent me a correction and has given me =
> permission to forward it to all of you. With my apologies for being a =
> gold-plate Sucker of the First Rank P. T. Barnum Type, here is her =
> explanation.
> Michele,
Jennifer Boyer mailto:jboyer@adelphia.net
Thistle Hill Pottery
95 Powder Horn Glen Rd
Montpelier, VT 05602 USA
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