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lessons in chicago

updated tue 6 aug 02


LJTCW@AOL.COM on sun 4 aug 02

One of my cousins is looking for beginning pottery lessons in Chicago. Can
anyone give me some suggestions for her to try.

Louise Jenks
Turtle Clayworks
Cincinnati OH USA

Saic1984@AOL.COM on mon 5 aug 02

There is Lill Street (, Evanston Art Center, also, the City=20
colleges have
very reasonable semester-long (for credit) classes...I've taught at Harold=20
Washington and School of the Art Institute of Chicago. At SAIC, she could=20
look into ACE (Adult Continuing Studies).


Karen Ami on mon 5 aug 02

If you are looking for less expensive classes there is also Creative=20
Claythings on Southport nad the Chicago Park District offers class classes=20
cheap. The School of the Art Institute is very expensive and not worth the=20

There is Lill Street (, Evanston Art Center, also, the City=20
colleges have
very reasonable semester-long (for credit) classes...I've taught at Harold=20
Washington and School of the Art Institute of Chicago. At SAIC, she could=20
look into ACE (Adult Continuing Studies).


I would also=20