Michele Williams on sun 4 aug 02
I don't have time to verify this as I am preparing for surgery in a =
couple of weeks and I have 2 kids to get ready for the beginning of =
school before I become a crutch-user again. If someone can check these =
"facts" out and verify them for us, we could use these as the =
justification for why ceramics are better for our health.....another =
marketing point. If we could track down the original publication of =
these facts and ask for permission to reprint them or get reprints, we =
could post them with our products. =20
People may say we're trying to use "scare tactics". If the truth is =
scary, maybe we're better off to know the truth than to ignore it, hmm?
Michele Williams
Who microwaves a lot, uses plastic, and has been wondering if there's a =
limit to how dingy she's going to get.....Is this why?
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