Leland G. Hall on thu 8 aug 02
Hi all. A couple of months ago I ordered an Axner model 900 (the really
big one) I liked the features, and that Howard Axner, who developed the
wheel, is an accomplished potter. Patrick, the manager at Axner explained
to me that they had had trouble with the motors for the 900 being too
noisy, and that was unacceptable to them. I appreciated their attention to
detail. Turns out I got the first one. It is even marked "prototype", and
it arrived today. It is quiet. I have only thrown three pots on it, and
like everything about it except one thing. It is very jerky at low speeds.
It's fine at centering, opening, even pulling up speeds. But trimming
wide, open forms will be impossible I fear. It looks like ther's a strobe
light shining on the edge of the wheel head. You can even hear it
pulsing. What the heck is this? This can't be right. But I'm wondering
if this is inherant in very powerfull electric motors. (horse and a half),
or if possibly it could have something to do with my electric supply. (I
really don't think so, my little Creative Industries doesn't do this) I've
waited for months for this piece of equipment, and this just doesn't seem
right to me. I'm really disapointed. I'm on the west coast, and figuring
out how to ship it back to Florida, if I so choose is going to be a hassle,
time and money. I'd like to hope this can be straightened out with out
returning it. Do other brands most powerful wheels do this? Brent?
Pacifica? Laguna? I wonder how many of the smaller wheels they have sold,
and how are they preforming? I believe Mr. Jacobson has one? Today is
thursday, and I out of town tomarrow, so can't call Axner untill Monday.
This may ruin more than my weekend. Jeeze, this stress I don't need.
Advice anyone? Thanks
Leland Hall
Before The Wheel Enterprises
GORMO1@AOL.COM on thu 8 aug 02
You can always e-mail Howard.at axner@ao.net that way it will not
bug you all weekend.
Jim Gorman
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