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frit 3304

updated fri 16 aug 02


Betsy Cox on mon 12 aug 02

Is there a Frit close to Ferro 3304 , or does anyone know where to find =
this frit ??=20

Thank You=20

Betsy Cox

Ababi on mon 12 aug 02

Hello Betsy Cox.
Please tell us what you need. It looks like you have found a recipe in a book. This frit
has 54% lead. Who needs cigarets and wars!
The lead will lead us away!

Ababi Sharon
Glaze addict
Kibbutz Shoval Israel

Ditmar on mon 12 aug 02

Call Seattle Pottery Supply................. 800 522-1975

If they don't have the 3304, a close substitute is usually available.

Whoever wants to use lead....well, .....USE LEAD. There's a legitimate =
place for it in some ceramic arts.=20
No matter how much some people whine and try to brow beat others by =
intimidation with their "political correctness".


Ron Roy on fri 16 aug 02

Being aware of the health hazards of lead has nothing to do with political
correctness. Lead contamination is insidious and lead builds up (is stored)
in our bodies. Lead dust in our studios and fumes of lead from our firings
present real dangers to us as potters and those that share our work and
living spaces.

Lead leaching from glazes can also be a hazard to anyone using them - the
younger those people and pets are the more danger there is.

There are laws about how much lead can leach from any ware that can be used
for food.

If you use lead make sure you have your blood lead levels checked at
appropriate intervals - and know what the symptoms of lead poisoning are.


>Whoever wants to use lead....well, .....USE LEAD. There's a legitimate
>place for it in some ceramic arts.
>No matter how much some people whine and try to brow beat others by
>intimidation with their "political correctness".

Ron Roy
15084 Little Lake Road
Brighton, Ontario
K0K 1H0
Phone: 613-475-9544
Fax: 613-475-3513