Hank Murrow on tue 13 aug 02
>Anyhow; for NCECA 2003; I have talked a bit with Mel San, and was
>thinking of hosting a Clayart party at Nottingham on the Saturday night
>after NCECA closes. This would be fallowed by Clayart buds getting
>together for some ( as Mel calls it ) "Adult Shared Learning" on Sunday.
>Like an open studio for a day or so for us to do stuff, share knowledge,
>and have some fun. If any of you folks are interested please call, or
>better, email me at Go2tms@cox.net. It there is enough interest we will
>do it.
>As to pre NCECA; we will be having multiple workshops here at the
>Nottingham Center.
>Possible line up is: Steven Hill, Pipenburg, and Malcom McDowell. All
>three going at once with much fun in the evenings here at the center.
>These will all start on the weekend preceeding the conference and go for
>2-3 days.
Dear Terry;
If you are interested in my participation either in the
pre-conference doings, or the Sunday Colloquium, I would be very glad
to help out. Currently presenting workshops on my 'displacement
trimming', soft-faceting, and other ware ready methods. Ask Stephanie
about me or visit my web site @ http://www.murrow.biz/hank for a look
at my work and outlook.
I am glad you are hosting something for Clayart, and look
forward to seeing you at Nottingham.
Cheers, Hank
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