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mold-allergy shots

updated thu 22 aug 02


RPeckham@COOKSONELECTRONICS.COM on wed 21 aug 02

For years I have had horrible allergy problems. Spring, and late summer I
was always a mess. No sleep, rubbing my eyes raw.

My wife told me last year that I better go to an allergist because she was
tired of living with a grumpy ass for two months every year.

I did, and am allergic to most everything found outside. I decided
allergy shots were worth a try. Once a week for a few months, then once
every two weeks for a few months, then up to once a month. It's a piece
of cake, my insurance pays for it, and it has worked for me. This year I
have barely noticed which is my bad time. Few sniffles, that's it.

And also you are not back to square one if you miss a week. I have missed
several weeks, and they keep increasing the dosage.

I would suggest that anyone that has severe allergy problems should give
this a try. I think it historically has worked about 80% of the time.

For me this was the right thing to do. I don't like any prescription, or
over the counter allergy medicine. They don't work for me, I have tried
all of them over the years. Claritin worked one season, but the next it
had no effect on me, even after two months of taking it. They only make
me feel crappy, and I just plain don't like them.