Cheryl Hoffman on wed 28 aug 02
Okay, armed with all those great throwing tips you guys have been handing
out lately (the W contour of the clay during a good pull; throwing porcelain
with slip, letting them rest, etc.), I went out to the studio yesterday and
threw the biggest, thinnest bowls I've ever made. I was so damn proud of
myself, I called my mother and told her I made punch bowls.
So now, how do I trim these monsters? The rims are bigger than my
giffen grip will hold, as well as any bat that I have. They are so thin
(1/8") that I'm afraid to lift them before they completely dry. I was
thinking of a pizza pan on top and flipping it over but these are on Ultracal
plaster bats...very heavy. I'm sure the weight would crush them. I have
them in a plastic tent so they won't pop off the bat until I can figure this
out. I know, I know, Mel would say prior planning, but all your tips seemed
to gel for me yesterday...they just kept getting bigger and thinner. That
and I used my most extremely moldy P10...heaven in a 25# bag. It sings to
me, Earl B, if you're reading this.
So, what's the trick? I know there must be a simple solution staring
me in the face but I can't see it. Help!
Thanks for any input,
Cher Hoffman
Marshall Kregel on wed 28 aug 02
Trimming an oversize pot can be easily done after all. First of all, you can
trim the piece, right side up, directly on the wheel and forget the foot.
Or, you can remove the pot, place a large amount of clay on the wheel, throw
a thick walled cylinder. Open the top of the cylinder slightly and place a
couple of sheets of newspaper over it. Then, turn your pot upside down and
place it on this cylinder. There is no reason that the lip of the bowl need
touch a bat or anything else. Gently center the bowl on top of the cylinder,
put a "quarter" in the center of the base of the bowl, put your finger on
the quarter to help hold the pot still on the cylinder, and trim away!
Remember, trim slowly.
Philip Poburka on wed 28 aug 02
Dear Cher,
Get a large Bat...
Glue Carpet Padding to it...
Allow Bowl to dry to firm Leather Hard...
Handle carefully...
Place and Center the Bowl...upside-down on the padded Bat...
That oughta do it!
A mechanical grip system has little use with Trimming Bowls, as the Bowl
should be sitting bottom-side-up anyway for getting Trimmed.
Let us know how it comes out!
That is a very 'thin' Bowl you have will be delicate...
Las Vegas
----- Original Message -----
From: "Cheryl Hoffman"
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 1:44 PM
Subject: Trimming - "big" dilemma
> Okay, armed with all those great throwing tips you guys have been
> out lately (the W contour of the clay during a good pull; throwing
> with slip, letting them rest, etc.), I went out to the studio yesterday
> threw the biggest, thinnest bowls I've ever made. I was so damn proud of
> myself, I called my mother and told her I made punch bowls.
> So now, how do I trim these monsters? The rims are bigger than my
> giffen grip will hold, as well as any bat that I have. They are so thin
> (1/8") that I'm afraid to lift them before they completely dry. I was
> thinking of a pizza pan on top and flipping it over but these are on
> plaster bats...very heavy. I'm sure the weight would crush them. I have
> them in a plastic tent so they won't pop off the bat until I can figure
> out. I know, I know, Mel would say prior planning, but all your tips
> to gel for me yesterday...they just kept getting bigger and thinner. That
> and I used my most extremely moldy P10...heaven in a 25# bag. It sings to
> me, Earl B, if you're reading this.
> So, what's the trick? I know there must be a simple solution
> me in the face but I can't see it. Help!
> Thanks for any input,
> Cher Hoffman
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