Lily Krakowski on fri 30 aug 02
Trimming bowls on a temporary chuck is excellent.
Another trick is to make a well-centered cone --solid or hollow-- that fits
inside the pots to be trimmed. Make it the size of your biggest pot, cover
the cone with plastic wrap, invert your biggest pot (its rim should
touch/reston the wheel head, and trim. Remove the plastic wrap, and trim
your cone to the inside size of the next pot. This saves you the trouble of
centering a bunch of pots. This is wonderful for mugs et al.
Also. For bowls. Use same idea, but throw a ring, not a cone. I make a
big coil, position it on wheelhead, center it etc, and use plastic wrap,
The one thing to watch out for is that if you let the plastic wrap extend
under the pot being trimmed, the pot will slip. If you have too little
plastic the rim of the pot may be damaged.
This all works. But nothing is learned in a day.
BAT PINS. Some years ago someone suggested in CM I think, that the screws
sold for attaching license plates serve well as bat pins. I found that the
diameter of their heads was too big for my bats. It is worth a look-see to
investigate whether those things will help. Because they are plastic and
can, I am sure, be filed down, or, for that matter, enlarged with epoxy.
Lili Krakowski
P.O. Box #1
Constableville, N.Y.
(315) 942-5916/ 397-2389
Be of good courage...
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