Toni Smith on wed 4 sep 02
For the friends I promised to inform, my article on a glaze testing project
is on Page 14 of the Sept/Oct issue of Clay Times Magazine. There were six
potters participating but the editor left out the paragraph naming the
individual potters and a little about each of them. Sandy Miller and Mark
Yasenchack are mentioned, and Linda Goldstone is in the photo used, but I
would also like to thank Boris Vitlin, a chemist/potter, and Todd Leech for
their help as well. Ron Roy and John Hesselberth were also very kind to
answer questions by email so that tech details would be correct. Once again
Clayart played a part in making a project even better. Thank you all.
Toni Smith (Linda, Sandy and I think we are cuter in person!):):)
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