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"craft can be devoid of any art whatsoever"

updated thu 12 sep 02


Hendrix, Taylor J. on tue 10 sep 02

This exchange has reminded me of something I read recently. It is from =
page 18 of _Style in Pottery_ (an older book) by Arthur Lane.

"Usefulness is no more than a condition to be fulfilled. Grace in =
fulfillment is an extra, properly called art."

Let's stick that in our smoke and pipe it!

Taylor, seeking grace in fulfillment in central Texas

-----Original Message-----
From: Janet Kaiser [mailto:janet@THE-COA.ORG.UK]
Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2002 6:59 PM
Subject: "craft can be devoid of any art whatsoever"

What complete phooey! Name us one if you please!

From a crocheted toilet roll cover to a suspension bridge, every =
of human endeavour or application resulting in a product includes some
"art". It may not be to our taste or appeal to our concept of what is
"good", but it is still Art.
