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slips also copper wire

updated thu 12 sep 02


Lily Krakowski on wed 11 sep 02

The pottery making website has a bunch of slips on it, And Pottery Making
Illustrated Summere 1999, Vol 2, #3 has 2 slips measured out with spoons
and measuring cups. They contain 3 or 4 ingredients which are cheap to
start with and you can buy in small volume. Mix slips well ahead of use.
If anything benefits from aging it is slip.

As to the body clay. If you are mixing a dark slip it will forgive anything
dubious in the body. But I think it is not worthwhile unless no other
choice is available.

For the copper people: there is a product called Chore Girl sold in the
cleaning supply section of groceries. That is made of copper and cuts
easily with scissors.

Lili Krakowski
P.O. Box #1
Constableville, N.Y.
(315) 942-5916/ 397-2389

Be of good courage....