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updated fri 13 sep 02


LOWELL BAKER on thu 12 sep 02

When you added the vinegar mix you added some mild acid, that
acid caused the CO2 to come out of the calcium carb that is in the
clay. My guess is that there is way too much calcium carb in the
clay to use for any ceramic purpose.

Ditch it....

I would thing the only place you will find a real ball clay in
Guatemala is on either coast. Look for clay deposits in the oldest
river valley you can find. Next time Ron goes to look for jade, have
him go down stream in Rio Motagua and look for clay deposits.

You might also find some below Esquintla in the flat lands toward
the south coast. I cannot imagine you will find any real ball clay on
La Espina

Good luck. As usual I am sorry to hear about your shipping costs.


Ron Collins on thu 12 sep 02

Hi Stranger......WHY would I ditch clay with too much whiting? That's the
original question......WHY is it a bad thing? as it seem to work ok....will
talk more later...hope summer great for you....Melinda