iandol on sat 14 sep 02
Always remember that a clean cut is not the only option.
It is possible to use expanding curtain wire which will give a ploughed =
field texture..
Just take half a yard and strip of the plastic coating. Then stretch =
this beyond its elastic limit to get an extended open coil spring. Lots =
of ways to use this little treasure of a tool. create straight or curly =
Best regards,
Catherine White on sun 15 sep 02
What is the curtain wire? I can picture the coil spring for a screen door,
but it's not plastic encased.
Catherine from Yuma, AZ
----- Original Message -----
From: "iandol"
Sent: Friday, September 13, 2002 12:07 PM
Subject: Subject: Facetting thrown pots
Always remember that a clean cut is not the only option.
It is possible to use expanding curtain wire which will give a ploughed
field texture..
Just take half a yard and strip of the plastic coating. Then stretch this
beyond its elastic limit to get an extended open coil spring. Lots of ways
to use this little treasure of a tool. create straight or curly furrows.
Best regards,
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