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shimpo rk2 ring help

updated sat 21 sep 02


Jon Faber on fri 20 sep 02

Hello all,

I have never told a short story so here is the punch
line for those of you who do not care to read the
whole story.

1. what does the ring drive (the rubber ring that the
cone presses against the make the wheel go) when it
needs to be replaced?

2. When buying the ring - is there an alternative to
getting it from shimpo? - a hardware store, an auto
I would love to give shimpo my money but it is going
to take a couple of weeks to get the part.

Here's the story:

I bought an rk2. I am 90% certain that it is the model
C but I don't think that is pertinent to this
it was used a bunch but sat unused for the past few

I was centering 2 lbs -
1. dunk both hands in water.
2. cone up.
3. push down.
4. hold and fine tune the centering.
4a. let the clay get dry. (I kinda like the heat and
minimize saturation.)

when the clay dried at the end the wheel halted.
when i released pressure a bit - the wheel turned a
bit, but in a bumpy fashion.
it would slowly turn, get hung up, turn a bit, and so

spoke to a shimpo rep.
super nice guy.
(their phone system got hit by lightning so if you are
trying get in touch give them a little understanding.)

he said that the power problem is probably needing to
replace the belt.
He said the bumpy problem is probably form needing to
replace the ring drive (the rubber ring the cone
presses agaist).

Called to closest supplier and they said that they
would need to special order the parts.
it will take a couple of weeks.

This does not make for a happy camper.

Went the hardware store.
belt was not a problem. they went to the back and
brought it out. The belt may be wrong but it is
the clerk looked at the ring, crinkled his brow and
asked me what it was.
I told him it was the ring to a cone drive system.
more crinkling.
needless to say, they did not carry the ring.

so - is there another place to get the ring?
looking at the ring i am not certain that it needs
the surface does have lots of hairline cracks but it
does not feel overly hard.
it is very shiny.

so - to reiterate the question (probably could have
easily got lost in all those words)

1. what does the ring drive look like when it needs

2. is shimpo the only way to replace the ring.

gonna go weight my shimpo (determine for sure which
rk2 i have - rk2b and popet = 61kg/134lbs, rk2c =

put on the belt and ring for empircal evidence of the

puttering about cause i am guessing i will not be

thanks loads.
jon - puttering in cleveland.

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