Jocelyn McAuley on mon 30 sep 02
On Mon, 30 Sep 2002, Mary White wrote:
> >Somewhere in the archives I read that some people use liquid fabric
> >softener as a resist, so I bought a bottle of the stuff, brushed
> >some on a bisqued pot, let it dry and poured some glaze over it. No
> >resistance whatever. It sounded ideal--cheap, readily available and
> >easily wash-up-able. Is there something you need to add to it?
Dear Mary
Fabric softner was recently mentioned as a thickening agent to use with
underglazes. However, I would like to throw out this caution... fabric
softner is not cute pretty smelling soap. Treat it with respect as you
would any set of chemicals. And better yet, if a safer alternative
exists- use it instead.
for resist...
use: elmers glue, wax, crayons, latex resist...
best luck
Jocelyn McAuley ><<'>
Eugene, Oregon
Mary White on mon 30 sep 02
>Somewhere in the archives I read that some people use liquid fabric
>softener as a resist, so I bought a bottle of the stuff, brushed
>some on a bisqued pot, let it dry and poured some glaze over it. No
>resistance whatever. It sounded ideal--cheap, readily available and
>easily wash-up-able. Is there something you need to add to it?
on the wet west coast of British Columbia
Carol Tripp on tue 1 oct 02
Hi Mary,
I use fabric softener on my brushes before I use the wax resist. It helps
when cleaning the wax off when you are finished. Over time, some of the
softener gets mixed into the wax and that is no big deal. It just
"stretches" the supply.
Best regards,
Dubai, UAE - openned my garage door this morning to find an enormous
bulldozer parked in front of it. I yelled and waved my arms to get the
driver to move as we were late (as usual) for the school run.
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Britt Boden on tue 1 oct 02
>Somewhere in the archives I read that some people use liquid fabric
>softener as a resist, so I bought a bottle of the stuff, brushed
>some on a bisqued pot, let it dry and poured some glaze over it. No
>resistance whatever. It sounded ideal--cheap, readily available and
>easily wash-up-able. Is there something you need to add to it?
Try Mop-N-Glo, it works glorious; its cheap and no smelly stuff in your kiln!
Britt in upstate NY
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