Nancy Guido on thu 10 oct 02
I've been photographing my work (with everyone's help) and so far so good. I
am pretty good with the digital camera, but I have left the 35 mm slides to
my youngest son (twin B). He's 17 and has been taking photography class in
school. I showed him some of the tricks. HE knows how to use the light
meter and so the slides actually came out good. This has all led to the
creation of a web page, it's still under construction, I have more pictures
to do. The pictures here are my digitals. This is at
I am in the process of trying to install a scanner and CD-RW onto my
apparently antiquated computer (according to my 17 year olds not enough
SDRAM, not enough GB). And, after my disastrous attempt at installing
Windows XP and inability to fix anything through DOS, I am leaving it to the
experts which turned out to be my son's friends who are learning about
computers in school. When this is done, I can share the slides too.
I was also asked by a clayarter about my kitchen, most of the field tiles are
done, but I am still working on the bullnoses. I had another idea for them
(trying to avoid glazing them), hopefully it will work out and those
pictures will be up as soon as I get it done.
Again, thanks for all the help on the photography. I've been so immersed in
this project, that I've only spent two days working on clay stuff in the last
month or so.
Nancy G.
(who has reached the point of uselessness in the world of computers -
according to her childen - the 17 year-olds).
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