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desert buff craters

updated mon 14 oct 02


Alexis Lynn Evans on thu 10 oct 02

Karen mentioned her problems with Desert Buff by Highwater Clay and I'm
one of the other folks who had dreadful crater problems with every
single pot I fired with DB clay and I never had crater problems before
or since [that weren't obviously my fault]. I just wonder if anyone
else has had any problems with it.

I fired some other clays in the load, glazed exactly the same and they
were great and the DB pots were pock-marked throughout. I had this
happen on 4 glaze loads before I was convinced that there was something
weird about that clay and I exchanged my 11 remaining boxes for some
Brownstone. I hope that's gonna be OK. All my firings, soaks, cones,
bisques, glazes [remixed to check] were correct.

I haven't had any problem with Ellen Buff but I wanted something darker
and more earthy. I wrote Highwater and told them after hearing from
Karen and another potter with the same experience. We'd just like to
know if there are others who have dumped a bunch of cratered DB pots
like we have.


Valerie Hawkins on sun 13 oct 02

No craters, but I have notices that Desert Buff is much more likely to
pinhole than any of the other clays I work with. I'm switching to Ellen
