Marianne Lombardo on fri 11 oct 02
I found the link I was looking for. If anyone hasn't been there yet, Hank
Murrow has an excellent tutorial on making faceted tea bowls. I should have
remembered this web site since my maiden name was Morrow.
Marianne Lombardo
Omemee, Ontario, Canada
hmurrow@EFN.ORG on wed 30 oct 02
Quoting Marianne Lombardo :
> I found the link I was looking for. If anyone hasn't been there yet, Hank
> Murrow has an excellent tutorial on making faceted tea bowls. I should
> have
> remembered this web site since my maiden name was Morrow.
> Marianne Lombardo
Dear Marianne;
Thanks for the kudos. I hope to provide short video clips later, as I begin to
learn how to use my new PowerBook. We took some good footage in a workshop I
presented in Ontario, Oregon last week.
In '35 my grandfather bought an island in Lake Huron, between Strawberry Is.
and Manitoulin Is, on the edge of Georgian Bay. Started going there in
'41.......the last trip in 2000. Had a lovely drive up from Ohio with my aunt
through Sarnia to Tobermory. The Bruce is a world apart. Snake Is. too. Two
cabins on 22 acres.
Cheers, Hank
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