June Perry on thu 17 oct 02
Howard if you do that, you might not see the pictures on my web site.
I don't get the pop up ads and it's because I use the free program called
Zone Alarm. It's a great program , which among other things, prevents those
pop up ads on a lot of sites.
This morning I had to disable Zone Alarm, because I wanted to get into my
file on Ebay and Zone Alarm has a setting that doesn't permit cookies and
Ebay won't let me get into the page if I have cookie disabled.
So, while I had Zone Alarm disabled, I checked my home page, and sure enough,
I got a couple of pop up ads. The minute I enabled Zone Alarm, voila --- no
more pop up ads!
I would suggest that anyone who is not aware of Zone Alarm, do a web search
and download a free copy. It keeps people from coming into your computer
uninvited and you can configure it to allow access to whomever and whatever
program you desire.
They have a version you can buy if you want to check the IP addresses of the
people who are trying to gain access to your computer and the information
you have stored.
If you find at times that your computer seems to slow way down and be very
sluggish, it may be because someone has gained access to your system and is
noseying around in your files. If you see programs changing and you haven't
selected to open them, that's another indication that your privacy may be
compromised. Zone Alarm protects you from those intrusions as well as
stopping a lot of the pop up ads. At least they are stopping them for me on
my Anglefire site.
June Perry
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