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potter troubles with woodfiring kiln

updated mon 21 oct 02


Bacia Edelman on sun 20 oct 02

I have had time to read the N.Y. Times while recuperating,
and on Sat., Oct. 19th, was a long article with photos
of the 2-chambered woodfiring kiln which is causing a ruckus in
Jewett, N.Y. The potter is Susan Beecher and the second-home
people who come up for week-ends and holidays are forming
a town council and hired lawyers because they are claiming
that the illegal fire and smoke-belching industrial kiln
are ruining the town and their health. Beecher's lawyer
is calling it a cottage industry. I am paraphrasing, and
have forgotten how to access the Times to reproduce an
article to send to Clayart, though I had done it often
in the past. She has some supporters, but the second-home
owners are outnumbering them.
Under one photo of the kiln it says: She said the 7,000 brick
kiln is fed only clean scrap wood.
I wish her luck.

Bacia Edelman Madison, Wisconsin

beverly blitzer on sun 20 oct 02

Susan Beecher did a workshop and juried our "earthworks" show last spring.
It represented potters from all over RI. She did a great job and I was
sorry to hear about the "ruckus" in New York. To bad we cannot petition to
help her out. Does anyone woodfire in a similar situation and have a good
relationship with their fire dept.? Is there anything we can do to help?

Bev Blitzer
Wickford, RI

Lois Ruben Aronow on sun 20 oct 02

On Sun, 20 Oct 2002 18:48:31 -0400, you wrote:

>Susan Beecher did a workshop and juried our "earthworks" show last =
>It represented potters from all over RI. She did a great job and I was
>sorry to hear about the "ruckus" in New York. To bad we cannot petition=
>help her out. Does anyone woodfire in a similar situation and have a =
>relationship with their fire dept.? Is there anything we can do to =

The article said there was another side to this unfortunate problem.
That is that the kiln was built a mere 150 feet from the neighbors
property. Hmmm. The article seemed unfairly written for both sides.
It seemed to pit rich part-time residents against poorer
year-rounders. While Ms. Beecher is not a weekender, she's not a
full-timer either.

Because she fires infrequently, she made the offer of only firing when
the neighbors are away, but the neighbors seem, for whatever reason,
to want to drag it out in court.

A very unfortunate situation all round. =20

Lois Ruben Aronow

=46ine Craft Porcelain