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best banding wheel

updated mon 28 oct 02


mel jacobson on sun 27 oct 02

in the world.

make your own.

put a shaft through a hole in a good strong table.
mount the shaft with a couple of pillow block
bearings. (simple frame under table)
mount a large, heavy wheel head on the shaft.
just like a throwing wheel.

spin the shaft, it will turn for 10 minutes.

you have a wonderful work surface, loads of room, and
do not have to put the damn thing away and take it out.
it is always out.

i use mine for waxing. it was an old wheel head that kurt had
made from formica...about 18 inches across. mounted on a one
inch shaft. it was from some old kick wheel idea.

i often took cheap amaco banding wheels, screwed them to a counter
at the high school and glued (construction adhesive) a 10 inch heavy batt
to them. oil the shaft. most schools had about 100 of those cheap banding
wheels stored in some closet.

for close and careful work i have one of those original shimpo
heavy as a house banding wheels. some of the best were made
by lockerbie. have not seen them for years.
back from building the best little kiln i have ever built.
18 cubic foot minnesota flat top. for my god son. we
made the burners from pipe...mig welded. ran a gas line
to the house underground....itc sprayed stack with liners.
square, plumb and true. as it should be.
just the two of us, took our time. he is a wonderful young
craftsman. careful, consistent. had a wonderful time.

Minnetonka, Minnesota, U.S.A.
web site:
or try:

Ababi on sun 27 oct 02

Hello Mel
Can you photo this banding wheel you have and add it to your site? I tried in many
ways to make my banding wheels turn with the power of electric drill or my hands. I do
not have throwing wheels and I need my banding wheel to move the way you describe
here for decoration and sometimes to engrave around the ware.
Thank you
Ababi Sharon
Glaze addict
Kibbutz Shoval Israel
---------- Original Message ----------

>in the world.

>make your own.

>put a shaft through a hole in a good strong table.
>mount the shaft with a couple of pillow block
>bearings. (simple frame under table)
>mount a large, heavy wheel head on the shaft.
>just like a throwing wheel.

>spin the shaft, it will turn for 10 minutes.

>you have a wonderful work surface, loads of room, and
>do not have to put the damn thing away and take it out.
>it is always out.

>i use mine for waxing. it was an old wheel head that kurt had
>made from formica...

Charles Moore on sun 27 oct 02

I have been surprised by the enthusiasm for certain banding wheels and even
more surprised at the ingenuity that people have used in creating their own
banding wheels. I think I may want a blue Shimpo; it sounds great.

Though I have a banding wheel that works well enough, I generally use my
Shimpo wheel head (without or with a bat) for banding and carving. I am
able to adjust the speed readily and even reverse the spin.
