billie schwab on mon 28 oct 02
when going through some things from my late aunt's estate i came across this
little plate - it had a decal on it of a scene in a butcher shop. it
depicted a "june cleaver" type housewife shopping for her dinner selection -
she was standing in front of a refrigerated showcase viewing the contents.
the butcher was standing behind the showcase with a wide grin on his face.
his caption balloon said "see anything you like today mam?" the housewife
was looking down at what was available and her mouth was open wide, with one
gloved hand covering it. in the center of the showcase were three very long
rolls of sausage and yep, you guessed it, the middle one was coming from out
between the butcher's open pant zipper :-0
i could hardly believe my eyes when i found this tucked away under her table
linnens. it made my dad blush when i showed him LOLOLOL
billie schwab
venus, pa
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