Dupre Mr Marcy M on wed 30 oct 02
Would someone please post Val Cushing's address again. I sent him a check
at the end of September and I have a record of this being cashed mid-October
but I have received nothing in the mail and I would like to check into this
before too much more time elapses.
In advance, thanks......MIldred Herot - Cheltenham, Pa.
Val M. Cushing
1497 Water Wells Road
Alfred Station, NY 14803
Snail Scott on wed 30 oct 02
At 07:22 AM 10/30/02 -0500, you wrote:
>Val Cushing...I sent him a check
>at the end of September and I have a record of this being cashed mid-October
>but I have received nothing in the mail...
My copy took a little while (few weeks/month),
but it eventially arrived, no problem. It's
still October; give her a little more time.
Charles Moore on thu 29 sep 05
Could someone give me Val Cushing's address?
Charles Moore=20
(Note that my email address lacks a final "e" on my last name)
marianne kuiper milks on thu 29 sep 05
Charles (w/o e) - when you get Val Cushing's address,
would you be so kind to pass it on to me as well? I
just missed him this past summer in Alfred and have a
workshop question.
Thanks a lot and ahave a great day.
Marianne Kuiper Milks
--- Charles Moore wrote:
> Could someone give me Val Cushing's address?
> Charles Moore
> (Note that my email address lacks a final "e" on my
> last name)
> Send postings to clayart@lsv.ceramics.org
> You may look at the archives for the list or change
> your subscription
> settings from http://www.ceramics.org/clayart/
> Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be
> reached at melpots@pclink.com.
Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005
Charles Moore on thu 29 sep 05
Thanks you, Marta. I want to send a copy of the Clay Lovers Calendar for
2006 to Val. He wrote a beautiful comment on Jared that Lisa Skeen has
incorporated into the tribute to Jared in the centerfold of the calendar
that she publishes.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Marta Matray Gloviczki"
To: "Charles Moore"
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2005 12:27 PM
Subject: Re: Val Cushing's Address
> hi charles,
> here it is:
> Val Cushing
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